Thursday, November 6, 2008

The future?

Let's be honest, this blog doesn't get updated all that often.

Because again, let's be honest, I don't have too much to say all the time, unless you want short entries where I write two sentences about how much I hate a certain album, song, artist, or how much I love it.

And let's not forget that I'm pretty much a nerd in general. Just like Dwight Schrute I have seen many films (I don't know whether or not the number is more than 240, I feel like it is) and I clock in many an hour watching my usual programs. So from hencefourth...Winch's Listening Corner is no longer solely a "listening" corner...but just a blog.

"But Dave, does this mean you'll stop giving us insightful lists about your favorite music and artists?"

No Mr. Christ, it means that I'm just going to do what everybody does. Post shit that makes me laugh, or makes me think, or things I happen to be thinking.

So let's all have fun okay?

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