Thursday, December 11, 2008

My Christmas movie dilemma.

Okay. I'm the type of guy that I either see a movie the weekend it comes out or I forget completely, and come Christmas I seem to have a bit of a problem because there's not one, not two but THREE movies I'm interested in. Let me just give you a little break down of movies I wanna see in backwards order.

Number Three:
The Spirit


It looks like a ripoff of Sin City, but seeing as Frank Miller is directing it than I don't really care that much. But I've read a years worth of Spirit comics and I don't see how that upright citizen who lives in his own crypt turned out to be a womanizing bad-ass. Sam Jackson looks awesome as the Octopus, so I guess that's a plus. But the big negative is the PG-13 rating. A guy movie about a womanizing superhero starring EVA MENDES, SCARLETT JOHANSSON and the chick from Sin City that has a PG-13 rating basically means that us nerdy fanboys aren't getting any sugar. At least with the R we can hope.

Number Two:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


I love David Fincher. Fight Club and Seven are two of my favorites ("Wow those two aren't the most cliché movies to have on your favorites list!") and they both have Brad Pitt acting his heart out. This is getting a lot of Oscar hype too, it looks really interesting to say the least and I have been looking forward to this. I just don't want to pay to see a mind-fuck of a movie when I could be going and watching the Spirit kill the Octopus or I could be going to see....

Number One:


TOM CRUISE KILLING HITLER. Did I mention I also love Bryan Singer. X-Men 2 and The Usual Suspects are also on my list of favorites ("Wow just when I thought he couldn't get any more common!") and this looks to be in the same vein...and by same vein I mean kick-ass. This looks like one of those movies that I'll leave the theater going "That was everything I wanted and more!" Where Mr. Button and Mr. Spirit both are likely to have me going "Wow. That was...good." rather than my unrestrained Nazi-killing excitement that I think will come from Valkyrie.

So yeah, there goes $40 at the movies. Hooray for stimulating the economy!

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