Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Necro Butcher

Okay, the Oscars sucked. The music numbers were decent, the awards were predictable, and the one shimmer of hope of Rourke winning and truly crowning himself as champion once again was tainted by the Acaedmy's desire to show that it cares about homosexuals. Not to bash Penn's performance, I've only seen pieces of it, but no way was it as moving as Mickey, and he even acknowledged that. But all that aside there was an Apatow piece which had a noticeably skinnier Seth Rogen and James Franco revisiting their Pineapple Express roles, and at one point they show a scene from the Wrestler in which one guy, Necro Butcher, takes a dollar bill and a staple gun to the head. They make that a running joke for the rest of the segment, with Rogen having a dollar bill stapled to his head. I was reading the Baltimore Sun's Ring Post Blog, in which columnist Kevin Eck mentioned Butcher in a post Oscar rant, and I decided to search him on Youtube. And what I found is intense, this vid is only a small fraction of the damage this guy has been a victim or cause of.

I thought they hired some guy to do that, I didn't know he was a real wrestler!

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