Friday, January 23, 2009

Oscar Nom's are out...

Well the Oscar Nominations were announced today. I must say I am both glad and a bit let down by some of them. One of the biggest surprises to me was the number of nod's Benjamin Button got. I haven't seen the movie, but I've heard that it's mediocre at best. Hopefully I can get the chance at some point soon, but honestly I'm not all that interested.

And the Dark Knight is getting "snubbed" some say. We all knew Heath Ledger would get the nod for Joker, I mean the second that trailer came out we knew it would happen. But is TDK really best picture material? Like, I see how it transcends the superhero genre, but is it really a classic? Sure it's better than movies like The Boondock Saints, but if you were to pit it up against any classic, The Godfather series (well 1 and 2), Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas, Reservoir Dogs, and Seven, it really doesn't stand a chance. Excuse me for this ongoing rant, but I believe that those that hype it as a classic clearly don't watch enough film. Maybe it's better than Ben Button, but I thoroughly enjoyed Frost/Nixon and Wall-E more than TDK.

Oh speaking of Wall-E, why didn't Pixar push for that to be nominated for Best Picture? I mean, that movie is beautiful in every way. Maybe it got a bit odd towards the end, but it was awesome. I left the theater feeling bittersweet, and an animated movie has never done that for me. It is best picture material. That to me is the biggest snub job they did.

And my personal favorite nomination is Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder. I was excited for it, as I personally find that performance is just as good as Ledger (I've debated it many times and the answer won't be reached). He won't win, but the nod is all it takes for people like my parents to turn around and say, "Hey I want to see Downey in that movie, can we watch your copy?"

And I'm seeing the Wrestler tonight, so I'll give my two cents about that. Maybe a real movie review? Who knows.

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