Saturday, March 28, 2009


I just watched Jackass 2.5, the b-real of Jackass Number Two, which is basically an extra hour of footage they shot which they didn't use in the movie. There is one scene where Wee Man is a little matador and a little bull comes out at him. He gets rammed by the bull and the camera cuts to Ehren McGehey (or however it's spelled) and Dave England reacting. This is what the camera sees.

jackass 2.5

What?! What is that? I never took the Jackass guys to be actually clever. I think that was the hardest point I laughed in the entire movie because I was like "What?" and had to rewind it to verify that there was indeed a dog with his paws covering his eyes.

1 comment:

elbichosucio said...

I completely agree. Such a odd, clever wink for fans & my it's favorite part. It's unassuming but it steals the skit.