Friday, January 29, 2010

More TNA Talk

Okay, I figured there's nothing wrong with these brief rants about things. That's what blogging is about right?

I have one HUGE problem with the new direction TNA has. I don't mind the square ring, I don't mind the fact that the ramp goes right into the ring, whatever that's all fine. My problem with TNA is the fact that they try to put Hogan and Bischoff over as a team, but Hogan is so clearly trying to be a top face and Bischoff is trying to act like a heel. To me it's pretty clear that Hogan should go heel in TNA. He is the reason all of these people no one wants to see are in TNA, why not run with that? He tried to "out-face" the founder Jeff Jarrett on January 4th and failed miserably, maybe he should've thought to himself, "I will sell t-shirts regardless, maybe I could go heel and put all of these originals over!" But no, Hogan continually tries to make it like he's the good guy...

We'll see how this plays out as the weeks go by. I don't like Sean Morely around, nor do I like Orlando Jordan. The Nasty Boys are fat, old pieces of trash, but I do want to see Team 3D beat them, so I'll let them stay. Rumors are Jeff Hardy isn't even sticking around, I'd like Shannon Moore to though. Hardy doesn't have huge drawing power it seems, I feel like the WWE had the resources to really put him over, and TNA has this laundry list of main eventers and they think they can just let Jeff hang on the under card. I think he is a valuable asset, but I also think that he doesn't have what it takes to actually perform to the level of Kurt Angle, Ken Anderson, A.J. Styles, Chris Daniels, Samoa Joe perform at. But if TNA can hook him in, promote the holy hell out of his presence, and keep the heavyweight title off of him I think they should do that.

Oh, and I think that Brian Kendrick and Generation Me (a.k.a. ROH's Young Bucks) are doing great. Look at Kendrick in this clip...

Kendrick has this distinct character yet he still brings a certain ruthlessness to the ring that I really like. He's like 150 pounds and he still manages to come off as somewhat of a threat. It's awesome.

More Kendrick, less Bischoff please.

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