Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I keep starting to write TNA critiques and then Impact comes on and something drastically different happens that makes me have to go back and re-write and so on and so fourth so basically I'm not getting anything done.

But let me just give a few thoughts on TNA's recent actions.

-Getting the 4 sided ring back is dumb. I understand it may be considered more legitimate, but one of the things that made TNA instantly recognizable was the 6 sided ring. The "Six Sides of Steel" made a cage match sound a whole lot more flashy than it actually is.
-Adding The Nasty Boys, Sean "Val Venis" Morely, Orlando Jordan, and The Band (X-Pac, Scott Hall) to the roster only means that TNA has more checks to cash and none of these men will do anything to draw ratings.
-The new Hulk Hogan shirt ( is awesome.
-Brian Kendrick and Ken "Mr. Kennedy" Anderson are two of the best free agents for TNA to get. The only problem is that putting Kendrick in the X division truly takes him away from being that one little guy with big enough balls to make it in the heavyweight division. Kennedy is just great. Makes me wish Umaga hadn't passed away. He would've been a great addition.
-It's good to see that TNA is pulling some of the "main eventers" who don't deserve their spot down. Bobby Lashley, Samoa Joe, Kevin Nash, Hernandez and Fairfield CT's own Matt Morgan all have their special talents to offer, but the main event is too cluttered as it is, so they will all have their time.
-TNA needs a hardcore division. Stevie Richards, Raven, Rhino, Team 3D, Abyss, and Mick Foley aren't really good enough to get over on their wrestling abilities alone, so making a hardcore title would really stick it to WWE's TVPG rating. Also with a hardcore division they could justify hiring Necro Butcher.
-D'Angelo Dinero annd Desmond Wolfe are two fantastic superstars who work so well with each other. I can see both of them getting their due in the main event within the year.
-It's ridiculous for Hogan to think he can "out-face" anyone in TNA. While Hogan is a name, TNA fans, especially those in attendance at the Impact Zone are very loyal to their originals (A.J. Styles, Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, Jeff Jarrett etc. etc.) and Hogan simply saying things like "That doesn't cut it!" won't make the fans turn on them. For a man with so much experience in the game it's dumb for him to make these assumptions, especially when he's the man who let in so many aging wrestlers who have nothing to contribute.
-And finally, I wish Eric Bischoff and Dixie Carter would stay off screen. Bischoff is a great booker and writer, let him do that. Dixie...well Dixie is just a waste of time on TV. She used to talk about how she wasn't going to become like Vince McMahon, taking TV time away from wrestlers, but now she seems to be hopping in the spotlight every once and again and it's annoying.

Okay, that's it. I figure that's better than writing something long and drawn out and then finding it irrelevant. More posts soon. Just got the new Vampire Weekend, going to bump it a few more times and then maybe review it!

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